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20 best erp software of 2020

Are you looking for the best ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software for your business? Look no further - we've done the research for you and compiled a list of the top ERP software for 2020. With the right ERP system, you can streamline your business processes, improve productivity, and enhance collaboration across your organization.

1. ERP Software Connect

ERP Software Connect

Let's start with one of the best ERP software options out there - ERP Software Connect. This powerful solution offers a wide range of features and functionalities to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. From finance and accounting to supply chain management and customer relationship management, ERP Software Connect has you covered.

With a user-friendly interface and customizable dashboards, you can easily access real-time data and gain valuable insights into your business operations. The software also integrates seamlessly with other systems, allowing you to achieve a holistic view of your organization.

2. Software Advice

Software Advice

Next up, we have Software Advice, a trusted resource for ERP software reviews and recommendations. They have created a helpful infographic that breaks down the factors influencing ERP software pricing. This visual guide will assist you in understanding the various costs associated with implementing an ERP system.

From licensing fees and implementation costs to training and ongoing support, Software Advice highlights the key elements that contribute to the overall pricing of ERP software. This information can help you make informed decisions when selecting the right solution for your business.

Now that we've introduced you to these valuable resources, let's dive into some key considerations when choosing an ERP software for your business.

Factors to Consider when Selecting ERP Software

1. Scalability: Ensure that the ERP software can accommodate the future growth of your business. It's important to choose a solution that can scale alongside your organization.

2. Integration Capabilities: Look for ERP software that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems, such as CRM, accounting, and inventory management, to eliminate data silos and streamline your operations.

3. Customizability: Every business is unique, so having the ability to customize the ERP software to match your specific processes and requirements is crucial.

4. User-Friendly Interface: Consider the usability of the ERP software. A user-friendly interface will ensure that your employees can easily navigate the system and make the most of its features.

5. Industry-Specific Functionality: If you belong to a specific industry, it's worth exploring ERP software that offers tailored functionalities for your line of business. This can help address industry-specific challenges and improve overall efficiency.

Remember, selecting the right ERP software is an important decision that will have a significant impact on your business. Take the time to evaluate your options, consider your unique needs, and leverage resources like ERP Software Connect and Software Advice to help you make an informed choice.

Investing in the right ERP software can propel your business forward and give you a competitive edge in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape.