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Davenport adapted

Hey there, folks! Today, I have stumbled upon a couple of hilarious illustrations that depict the world of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Now, don't worry if you have no clue what ERP is all about. I'll explain it in such a way that you'll be rolling on the floor laughing!

Illustration One: "Enterprise Resource Planning Stock Illustration"

ERP Stock Illustration

Okay, picture this – you're sitting at your desk, right? And suddenly, you notice a huge wave of paper coming towards you. It's like a tidal wave, but instead of water, it's made up of spreadsheets, invoices, and reports. You try to run, but it's too late. BAM! You're buried under a mountain of paperwork!

Well, my friends, that's what ERP looks like in this fantastic stock illustration. It perfectly captures the overwhelming feeling of being drowned in paperwork. Don't worry; it's all fun and games!

Illustration Two: "Enterprise Resource Planning Source: Adapted from Davenport, 1998"

ERP Source

Now, this illustration takes a different approach to showcase ERP. Imagine yourself as a superhero, equipped with a super cool cape and a toolbelt filled with various gadgets. As you fly through the corporate skies, you hear distress signals from different departments. The HR department needs help with employee management, the finance department is drowning in numbers, and the inventory department is in chaos!

But wait! Here comes the extraordinary superhero known as ERP! With a flick of your wrist, the chaos is transformed into order. The HR department magically gets automated attendance tracking, the finance department's numbers instantly align, and the inventory department finds peace with efficient stock management. It's like ERP is the superhero that saves the day, one department at a time!

And there you have it, my friends – two hilarious illustrations that paint a comical picture of the world of ERP. Now, let's move on to the recipe for success with ERP. Here are the ingredients:


  1. An enthusiastic team ready for change
  2. A reliable ERP software
  3. Patience and persistence


  1. Gather your team and explain the benefits of implementing ERP.
  2. Select a suitable ERP software that aligns with your business needs.
  3. Prepare for some initial chaos as you transition to ERP. Don't worry; it's all part of the process!
  4. Train your team to use the ERP software effectively. Remember, practice makes perfect!
  5. Monitor the progress and make adjustments as necessary. Rome wasn't built in a day!
  6. Celebrate your successes along the way. Remember to have a good laugh too!

And voila, you'll be on your way to ERP greatness! Just remember, even though ERP may seem like a daunting endeavor, it can bring tremendous benefits to your organization. Plus, you'll have some hilarious illustrations to lighten the mood along the way!

So, my friends, embrace the world of ERP with a big smile on your face and get ready for a rollercoaster ride of fun and efficiency. Happy ERP-ing!